Kentish KT

A Canadian living on the Isle of Thanet explores Thanet, Kent and beyond with DB and J-Rock.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Panto Time!

We struck out across Kent to Canterbury yesterday to go see the Pantomine at the Marlowe Theatre. Jack and the Beanstalk this year. Excellent stuff. A British tradition that I wish was more of a fixture in Canada. They do something similar in Toronto but can't really vouch for it as I haven't seen it. I just know that it is expensive....Over 'ere it cost us all of £25 for 3 adults and a kid.

And Canterbury, as usual, was bustling. Also took in some roasted chestnuts and had lunch at a cheap and cheerful little spot called the Custard Tart. Highly recommended. But there is so much stuff in the stores over here from all the European countries. I have done all my shopping so it was really nice to be able to just browse! As my brother-in-law Mr. Almond says being able to "pick things up and put things down" is a luxury!

Today went to Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory for a visit but by some strange turn of events ended up at the St. Crispin Inn in Worth. Then came home to a delicious meal prepared by Our Kind Hostess. Tonight we are going to the St Mary Magdalene Church for carol service and J-Rock might even feature in the play. If he doesn't balk...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice picture of Venice! Glad to hear you have been out and about. Logged on here for some respite from the clamour and guck of pre-Xmas build-up.

Re. 'picking things up and putting them down': I have been trying to unlearn that behaviour in my children, who have learned from their father at an early age that stores are really just big playrooms. Imagine!!

Rock on! er, Walk on!!

12:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greetings to you.merry christmas and a joyous New Year !! Thanks so much for the lovely chocolates . Hopefully you all can come over ,when you return, for feeding -time penthouse-style ( they are eating out of our hands) Love to you ,Katie, Dave and James Iliene & Craig

3:24 PM  

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